Friday, January 18, 2008

A different kind of day

Most of my days are pretty routine. I get up, I shower, I blog or check email, I wake up the kids, I take them to school, I come home and from 8-3 I work at my desk or go to meetings. Sometimes I have lunch out. They come home, I greet them, help them with homework, make sure chores are done. Bart makes dinner. We eat it. I work a while longer while Bart has meetings. I visit with the kids and Bart a little. I put them to bed (the kids) and then Bart and I talk. We have meaningful conversations such as last night when he remarked that my arms looked like pizza dough. I suggested he was not romantic. He responded, "Why not? I LIKE pizza dough." And we talk about our days and the kids and all that and then we go to bed again, only to get up and repeat.

But today will be a bit different. Salinda has been extremely well behaved for the past month since she returned home. There have only been 3 or 4 occasions since she came home on December 19th where she has been less than perfect. She's making good choices, working hard in school and therapy, and appears to be staying away from people who bring her down. I'm proud of her progress and becoming more cautiously optimistic each day.

So, today, after I go to the coffee shop for the morning, I am going to take her to see this new male friend she has in the town where she was in treatment. I'm going to go and meet him and his family and then spend some time alone. I'm going to hopefully find a place with internet or even just a place to sit and work for a couple hours. Then I'll have something to eat and go shopping for clothing items that some of hte kids need that will be on clearance now. Then I plan to see a movie alone and meet her to come back.

It will be a unique day for me, not filled with the typical.. at least not the whole day. And if Salinda is in good spirits, we should have a pretty good day.

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