Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Done Being Mad -- Well, Kinda

The intense emotion of frustration has subsided and faded, and it all gets thrown into the big vile of latent simmering frustration about all of it. I think as adoptive parents or professionals, we all have a similar collection of past frustrations. I got an email yesterday from a fellow adoptive parent who I am sure wants to remain anonymous that said

way too often I want to just scream and scream about how child welfare is not about the welfare of children. The sad thing is that no one would even listen!

That is so true. I have to deal with some of yesterdays work situation today and I would rather just go back to bed, or hide somewhere. It's such an upward climb and it seems everywhere I turn I see such incredible roadblocks to successful living placed in front of children and teens by a system that is muddled by a climate of self-preservation, self-protection and territorialism. Making a difference is so difficult personally as a parent with your own children is difficult when you feel you are constantly explaining things to people who don't get it, and making a difference professionally is an unending struggle against the system and it's players.

There are days when it is incredibly tempting to walk away from it all and find a job that didn't require so much emotional energy. But I constant remind myself to focus on the mission, to do it for the kids, and to rise above the rest.

But there are days.....

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