Thursday, January 24, 2008

Everyone's Business is His Business

Tony is amazingly intense and incredibly disorganized. At both school and home he can never find anything, can't remember what to do, where to be, how to do anything that has anything to do with him.

But he knows what EVERYONE else is supposed to be doing. He literally walks around the house telling everyone else what they are supposed to be doing, what they should have done, where they need to be. Drives everyone completely crazy. Everyone lives on the edge of pounding on him all the time.

He is also the most oppositional child I have ever met, and considering he has 4 older brothers diagnosed with either Conduct Disorder or Oppositional Disorder, that is saying somehting. He opposes just to oppose and can even switch sides.

BUT he has this sensitive side too. So, when he finally pushes someone to yell at him, or smack him, or leave the room, he cries inconsolably and can't get over the fact that nobody likes him.

As I have said many times. As hard as it is to parent him, it must be harder to be him.

1 comment:

  1. I also think it's a stage. I've had/have kids who literally think they're the rule police. We start calling them "officer" and eventually they realize how often they're doing it.

    And it is totally annoying.
