Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Long, Good Talk

Salinda and I had a long good talk. I pointed out to her that there were only two people in this world who truly loved her AND could help her get out of the mess she was in and that it was Bart and I. And that if she wanted to start having things move in that direction, she needed to be on our side instead of against us.

There were tears shed. She is angry and frustrated. And I get that. But I think she is realizing that maybe she is going to have to cooperate.

One of the things that helped wake her up a little is that John is having a couple challenges. He has been signed up for an early release to work program by his social worker, but he doesn't have a job. So, his ride home from school isn't until three but he gets done with school at 12:00. I have a call into the social worker to figure out why this is happening but yesterday he told me that he had spent the 3 hours trying to walk back to his foster home and got lost. Today he called me to ask me to give him a ride home. I told him that I needed to clear it with the social worker....who of course I couldn't reach.

I asked Salinda, "Why, after having all of these people involved in his life for the last four years, did John call me when he was desperate" and she responded, wisely, "Because he knew that you would help him."

And I nodded knowingly. And I think she got it.

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