Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Renewed Enthusiasm For Finding Homes for Kids

To say that I've been in a slump about matching is an understatement lately, but yesterday on my way home from a court hearing, I heard this song. I had forgotten it was on my Ipod and I really listened to it and it gave me the kick in the butt I needed to begin a year again. I encourage you to listen to it.

To those of you who are considering adopting, why not let this be the year?

To those who have adopted before and don't have a full house, why not adopt again this year?

To those of you who can't adopt, why not spread the word about the 115,000 children who wait?

And to those of us who are professionals, let's make it our goal to have as many kids home by next Christmas as possible. When i was listening to the song these lines struck me:

All I want for Christmas is someone who'll be here
To sing me happy birthday for the next 100 years
And It's okay if they're not perfect or even if they're a little broken
That's alright, 'Cause so am I

Well, I guess I should go, it's almost time for bed
Maybe next time I write you I'll be at home

We have 12 months to make the wishes of children this past Christmas come true. Let's do all we can to see as many of these children be home by December 25th. We can do it if we work together.


  1. Well we're trying to get our training done....lol....we're only missing module 3 of all the foster care/adoption preservice classes and THEN we can get our homestudy done and THEN we will be bringing kids home! I am really excited/impatient/nervous. Anything and everything I can learn from all you adoptive moms/dads out here in the blogosphere...I am like a sponge soaking up whatever bits of wisdom I can. I read your blog every day, along with several other adoptive moms blogs and I have learned alot.

  2. Thank you for sharing that song, Claudia. It brought tears to my eyes.
