Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sometimes You Get Reminded

Last night I had a conversation with my husband. I won't go into detail, but during the conversation all of the elements came into play that I love most about him. His sense of humor, his ability to ask the right questions, his concern for me, his commitment to me, his love for me, his trust in me, his willingness to allow me to be my own person, the way he thinks deeply and yet can break up an intense moment with a silly comment.

When we finished the conversation and Bart drifted off to sleep, I lay in bed for several minutes in a state of unbelief at how fortunate I am to have been able to marry this man. We have been through SO much in just eleven and a half years of marriage. So many ups and downs and HARD things. And yet I trust him completely and love him more than ever.

Raising tough kids can either drive people apart or bring them close together. I am so grateful that Bart and I have managed to grow closer together.

I'm sure he will be embarrassed at all this sap, but I love him more today than ever and sometimes, when you have feelings this strong -- regardless of what they are, you just gotta blog em.

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