Friday, January 25, 2008

Witty Responses

I am on an email list and got a great idea for Bart to use next time someone asks him if his kids are all ours.

Well, my wife has 12 children by 9 different men... and I have 12 kids by 8 different women.

Bet that would get their heads to spin.


  1. May I use that idea? I love it.

    Angela :-)

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    lol......I did use that once (sort of). I was showing a lady which 9 children were mine. She looked for a second and then looked back to me, remarking "They are all different colors."

    "Well, yeah. They have different fathers."

    Different mothers, too. She didn't need to know. lol....

    Gosh, now with 26, noone ever asks me anything fun like that...maybe that's a good thing? Good luck with your humor practice - hope it works out in some fun situations! ;-)


  3. I would love to see the look on their face.
    That's one of my least favorite questions, too.
