Thursday, March 13, 2008

Coffee Shops, Court Hearings, and Setting Goals

I'm heading to the coffee shop again this morning to meet with a coworker who is going on maternity leave. She has to get me up to speed on her cases so that I can take over for her when the baby comes.

While we were at Salinda's court hearing, Bart checked Mike's status. Apparently he is pleading "not guilty" to stealing our car and has asked that it go to a trial. The hearing is in April. The public defender may get him off on a technicality since the police officers did hand the car over to him and he didn't drive it. However, he did joy ride it all over the state and refuse to return it.

But as soon as he is tried for that offense, even if he is found not-guilty, he will immediately be arrested and taken to another county to be charged with five felonies.

I have set some goals for myself this morning. Thought that might help me stay motivated. We'll see.

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