Sunday, March 02, 2008

It's Sunday Morning Once Again

Almost everyone is still asleep and I am up at my desk. The stacks of stuff here are a constant reminder that I am getting farther and farther behind, but I have a long list of things to do today that will keep me away from the things that need to be done here.

There has been almost zero stress here this weekend. The kids even left Bart and I alone last night for almost 2 hours to watch a movie, which hardly ever happens. We watched Pan's Labyrinth, Spanish movie with English subtitles. It was a bit gory, and not my kind of movie at all, but the ending made it worth watching. A real redemption theme and a story about making the right choice in the middle of horrific circumstances. The willingness to sacrifice happiness for that of someone else was a powerful statement.

Today's agenda after church, may, or may not include, another video, a trip to the store with a couple of kids who want to go, a trip to return Salinda's boyfriend home (a three hour adventure) and possibly some time to get things done at my desk,

It's funny to hear about y'all down south with your 70 degree weather doing outside chores. We still have a foot or more of dirty snow on the ground that's been accumulating since November. But we do have a high of 37 for today. I'm sure my kids will be wearing shorts. It is, after all, above freezing!

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