Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Little Things

At 3:30 a.m. we had no running water. At 5:15 we still didn't have running water. Not good. I spent some time looking at the City Website and trying to figure out who to call to no avail. Dialed some numbers but they weren't the right numbers. Then I just spent some time lying in bed envisioning our morning with no water. I wasn't having a good day dream at that point... i could picture the girls declaring they could not go to school like THIS -- and the full toilets and everyone with dirty teeth and our smelliest boys, who shower in the morning, not showering. I was stressing myself out.

So, I prayed. I said, "God, I know this is a little thing in the midst of the universe, but it would sure be great if You could just step in and do this one little favor for us. It would make our morning so much more pleasant."

And then I couldn't lie there any more. I had to go test it. And sure enough, there was water.

Now, all of you who want to can just go ahead and come up with some nice conclusion that has nothing to do with God -- the guys from the city were working on it, the timing was coincidental, whatever you want to conclude.

But to me, it's those little things that I have seen since I was a small child, that convince me that there is a God out there who cares about me and the little things in my life. And knowing that makes relying on God for the big things all the easier.


  1. Last week we had an ice storm. My rear wiper got stuck in the up positon and wouldn't move. I was stressed dealing with Dustin and a biull to fix the car would've broke me. I had turned on that stupid wiper 25 times trying to make it work. I said a very similar prayer and VOILA it worked. God is so good . . . he even cares about my wiper (and my sanity)

  2. I think that the argument that God had His hand in your water being back on, and the argument that it is a coincidence of timing for the repairmen are not necessarily incompatable.

    After all, who created the workmen and put them in the right place in the right time? God works in so many ways, and we are blessed when we have the opportunity to act as His hands, as the workmen must have this morning.

  3. I love the little things like that! My most recent one was trying to find a dentist that would take my son's insurance. I called about 15 offices with no avail, and finally had to start calling offices an hour away. I was getting really frustrated and before I called again I stopped and prayed "Lord, you know how important this is to me, please let me find a dentist". The VERY next call was to a dentist that accepted the insurance! Coincidence? I think not!

  4. I read this the other day--"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." Albert Einstein I don't believe anything in our life happens by coincidence! I'm glad your water was there for you when you needed it!
