Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Marathon is Almost Over

Wow. Yesterday was quite a day. Kyle's girlfriend was here from about 1:00 to about 9 p.m. We really like her -- she's personable, friendly, and gives Kyle a hassle, so we like that. Bart made banana bread and monster cookies in the morning, homemade pizza for lunch, and delicious pasta (Hay and Straw) for supper. In the midst of that, I finished purchasing, washed, and ironed 7 of the boys shirts, found dress pants and matching ties. Since Tony and Dominyk were toddlers, our boys have always worn ties and white shirts for Easter, except Kyle who always manages to skirt that in some way to prove that he is a non-conformist. At least this year he did bring dress clothes -- the last couple years he forgot and wore holy jeans and a t-shirt.

During lunch I made the mistake of asking Kyle and his girlfriend if they were interested in participating in our strange version of an Easter egg hunt. They respectfully declined, but then both Tony and Dominyk got it in their heads that they were going to do it yesterday. I tried to convince them to wait until today, thinking that it might stop snowing, but once they had decided it was time to do it, there was no peace until they got it done. I slip a $5.00 bill in one hollow egg, and then each child has a color. The oldest five children hide for the youngest five. Then they go out and look for the eggs. This year, it was in the snow, of course, but they seemed to have fun. And then, with their obsessive personalities, I knew it would just be easier for me to take them directly to the store, which I did. Whew.

Last night after all the preparations were complete for this morning, we fell into bed exhausted. Up again by 5:15 this morning, Bart began his marathon morning and I showered, put on MAKE UP (shock shock shock -- only happens about twice a year), and the proceeded to get everyone up and help them get ready -- tying and straightening ties, etc.

Pictures were a little hard to get everyone to cooperate for -- I did take a couple with just the girls, but they didn't turn out well, so the one above is with Salinda's friend who has been here since yesterday morning. No, we didn't adopt again.

The sunrise service this morning was put on by the youth. Salinda did a great job with her Scripture reading, and Leon, though he wasn't happy about it, did well in his skit. Ricardo was supposed to be the apostle John, pulling the lame man (Tony) to his feet, but he forgot to do so, so instead of waiting for him, Tony jumped up alone. His rendition of "running and leaping and praising God" was actually fairly hilarious. Dominyk is recovering from strep throat and was convinced that his tie, combined with his large tonsils, were cutting off his air supply and that he was going to stop breathing. Fortunately (or unfortunately) he is feeling so bad that he didn't have the energy to act horrible while obsessing about dying from lack of oxygen.

It was a proud day for me. My children looked and acted appropriately. There were no major upheavals this morning, everyone was nice to one another and for the most part, to me. My husband sang the communion liturgy with his beautiful voice and preached a power sermon entitled, 'When Jesus Speaks Your Name."

After the service, one of our parishioners leaned over and asked me, "How did we get so lucky to get Bart?" and I responded, "I ask myself that all the time," to which she said, "I bet you do."

I love him so much I'm actually heading to the kitchen soon (ick ick ick, I hate the kitchen) to finish preparing the meal that he almost has completely in the oven while he does yet another service, so that we can eat soon after he arrives home.

For me, Easter is huge -- bigger than anything else-- a time to celebrate together with Christians all over the world -- a holiday that began it all, a holiday that ties together my life, all 44 of the Easter's I've celebrated, and a holiday that joins us together as Christians.

Even though it continues to snow, one cannot help but experience joy, knowing that God loved us enough to sent His Son, who came to live and die for us, rising again to conquer death, so that we can live forever. This truth is at the root of my being, defining who I have been, who I am today, and who I always will be.

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