Friday, March 28, 2008

Nothing Spins me Out of Control More

than losing internet. I know, you'd think with the stresses of my life, that internet wouldn't be my number one need, nor the one thing that could push me over the edge. But I need it for almost everything any more, and I can't do my two jobs without it.

Yesterday morning I got fed up with the signal -- it kept cutting in and out, and so I called the company and they sent out a couple of very nice young men who switched out my modem. My internet was working fine. All was well until Bart came home and we realized that the wireless network was not working. SO, from 4:00 yesterday afternoon until I went to bed at almost 10 I was trying to figure out how to fix things. And to make matters worse, my day today is full of various appointments that are going to make it difficult for me to have time to focus on it today either.

And somehow I spaced out the fact that my Mother-In-Law is coming tomorrow with her sister, which is fine, I just budgeted way too much weekend time to get things like taxes and a major work project and now I'm behind farther than ever.

if you would like to send prayers for miraculous internet recovery our way it sure would save me hours of my day!


  1. Last week it was out internet/phone and then my computer got sick and had to sit in the shop for a week... definitely understand -- prayers for it all to fall in order .

  2. I hate being without internet.

    Angela :-)
