Thursday, March 20, 2008

Things Don't Always (OK, they Seldom) Go as Planned

My plan this morning was to go to the Y at six instead of five since the kids are home from school and have been sleeping until 9 or 10 lately when they don't have school.

But Tony, the most volatile of the bunch, was up at six, so my plans were cancelled. Right now he is occupying himself and Rand (who who does have classes) has left. The others are still sleeping.

But my plan to get a lot done this morning ... including exercise -- was zapped in a moment. There is no way I can leave him here with as much fighting he's been doing lately. The risk is too great. If a kid woke up and did something to irk him, there would be nobody to break up the fight...

I have so much to do over the next few days and it will be very difficult with everyone home. It's all I can seem to think about, making my blog BORING.

Guess I should stop writing boring things and actually start working on the stuff I need to do.

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