Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Fun Stuff

We had a wild morning -- the only appointment to get the van fixed (because it sounded like a jet taking off every time I got into it) was 15 minutes before it was time to be at three conferences. So, Bart agreed to help with transportation and see to it that we all got where we needed to be.

He brought us home after everything was over (three very good conferences by the way, well, good for my kids -- no overachievers here, but all progressing). Right before Dominyk and I got into the car, apparently Wilson had convinced Bart to listen to some rap station and Bart was happily singing, "Like a Cyclone, she makes me wanna do it all night long" joking with the children that he was singing about me.

Dominyk picked up on it quickly but was a little confused about the lyrics, belting out, "I'm a Psycho."

As Bart and I commented on this I reminded Bart of what had happened last night. I walked into Dominyk and Wilson's room before bed and WIlson had just gotten out of the shower. He was standing there with a huge towel wrapped around his tiny body, and his hair plastered down on his head, still very wet. The room smelled horrible. Wondering if there was rotting food in the room, I asked, "What smells in here?"

Wilson responded. "We've been farting."

Before I could say anything more he breathed in deep and exclaimed, "The Smell of Discovery."

He later confessed to having stolen the line from Sponge Bob, but it was SO hilarious.

The remainder of the ride home included a conversation so awesome that I was already blogging it in my head when Bart said "I'm blogging that, so don't even think about it."


Guess you'll have to wait for him to get back from therapy and read his blog to hear about it.


  1. Scooped again by Bart! Poor you. ;-)

  2. What is it with Boys and Farting. I always seem to run into "it" and ask what "it" is that smells so bad. The boys think it is hilarous that mommy notices.
