Thursday, April 03, 2008

A New Setting

This morning I am sitting at my husband's new desk. Having gone 12 years without a space in his own house he could call his, the desk, which he bought two weeks ago, is obviously so important to his well-being and it makes me wish I would have bought him one years ago.

I had the laptop in the bedroom last night and forgot to grab it when I headed downstairs to shower, so I decided to come back up here and spend my half hour blogging and reading blogs as is my tradition from 6:30 to 7:00 every morning. It's an interesting change of scenery.

The kids have been especially calm and well behaved the past couple days. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out and everything to change, but so far they have done well.

I'm sitting here in the dark with Wilson asleep, his tiny body tucked into the seam of the recliner, and Dominyk hogging most of my bed. Dominyk has a very special way of screaming the word, "Tony" with all the angst of one being under intense torture, and apparently Tony invaded his dreams because I was awakened with that lovely shrieking in the middle of the night. Early this morning Dominyk was awake briefly and rubbing the top of my head. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Oops, I thought you were gizmo." I love it that he can't tell the difference between me and the dog.

The to-do list I have keeps getting longer and the things I'm getting done shorter, so I have a busy day ahead as always. I'm also cooking beans tonight..... Cooking never makes me very happy, but beans is one meal I can do.

Maybe one of these days I will write something in the blog worth reading again. But then again, maybe I'll just keep saying the same things over and over again. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. This IS a good blog, I love the Gizmo story.
