Saturday, April 05, 2008

One Driver, One Cook

The past 24 hours I've been the only driver around here and THAT is a change. Rand is off at a Culinary Competition this weekend and Bart will arrive home from a trip to Nashville and a meeting in Minneapolis this afternoon. So I have been the only driver and the cook. We have done OK, but I didn't realize how much I had been relying on Rand to run errands and drop people off and pick them up. Having to do it all myself was quite exhausting and I have another day of it today.

Rand had to get a new suit for the competition..... amazing how quickly this boy turned into a man.

Both of the girls put me through the ringer last night. Hopefully Salinda will be able to recover from her poor choices and move on. I often worry she might spiral down like she often does. Sadie has yet to apologize and make things right. Last night I was so exhausted I just finally chose to stop talking to either of them until today as we were getting nowhere. Hopefully a good night's sleep for all of us will help.

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