Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Three Amigos

As we were leaving the van to go into the restaurant last night to celebrate Dominyk's birthday, Leon, WIlson, and Ricardo realized they were all dressed in black and red in shorts with big tennis shoes. So they sagged their shorts a bit and sauntered into the restaurant like they were part of some gang. These are our three mild-mannered quiet kids, so to see them do that was hilarious.

Ricardo and Leon have decided they are twins, separated at birth. (I know, I know, they are different races, but whatever...) The theory Leon came up with is that they were born in Mexico and that Ricardo went south to Guatemala, and he went north to Texas and they have been reunited. They are coming up with all kinds of variations to the story, but it's great to me to see them bonding not only as brothers, but as friends. They truly enjoy each other.

By Tuesday, we will legally be the parents (or guardians, in Dominyk's case) of 12 children and Leon and Wilson will be ours forever. It will be nice to be in court to celebrate for a change. ;-)

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