Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today is the day

I'm feeling great this morning. Very excited that by the end of today, Leon and Wilson will be our sons. They are such incredible kids. We feel so blessed to have them as part of our family. They are pretty excited as well. They have requested dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. Not a cheap option, but they're well worth it. We are insisting that everyone be at court, which means some sporting events will have to be missed, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime event that we aren't going to have anyone miss.

I am going back to the coffee shop this morning. I have an interview there and will stick around for a while. I can get a lot done there if I focus.

Lots going on for me with my jobs and appointments etc.... better be off and running.


  1. Congratulations to you all on your newest family members. They seem like great kids and I'm happy for them that they got you and for you that you got them!!

  2. Congratulations to the whole Fletcher family! Praise God for His hand on your lives!

  3. Congratulations!

    Angela :-)

  4. Congratulations on your bouncing baby boys!
