Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wow, How the Weekend Ends...

We had a pretty relaxed weekend. There were moments when it was difficult, but for the most part things went fairly well. Until about 8:45 when the drama began. Salinda is upset about something that we are not allowed to know (teenage girl drama) and was insisting on a rule exception again. In the midst of it all, I find out that Rand, whose computer was supposed to have been turned in to me, was using it. (long story).

So he comes upstairs denying using it. Says he hasn't touched it all week long. I give him a second chance, asking him if he would like to reconsider as I can check the computer and see if he has been on it. He says, "Go ahead and check it." So I do. And there is proof that he has been on every day this week but one. Ironic, I think, yet he does not see the humor. He stammers and yells and mutters and storms around talking to the walls (he does this when he has something to say to me that he doesn't quite feel brave enough to say directly to him). So as he is muttering around, Salinda is apparently upstairs finally talking to Bart, and I'm waiting to find out the result.

By this time on Sunday nights I am so very ready to go to bed and have it be Monday. But apparently that isn't going to happen quite yet.

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