Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Book We're Writing -- I need an IDEA!

The book we are writing has had a name change. Right now on the blog it is called “Ten in Nine” but that was because we adopted 10 kids in 9 years. But now we have twelve so we thought long and hard and concluded that we would call the book “Claiming the Unclaimed: How 12 Children and 2 Adults became One Family.”

However, the book lacks my typical sense of humor and so I am going to be writing a humorous anecdote section and stick it between chapters.

Here is my conundrum. I can’t decide what to call it. Every name that I come up with Bart says is dumb. I thought of “The Humor Corner” or “Laugh Time” or “Laughter Break” but he doesn’t like any of them.

Anybody have a good idea? It would basically be a page or two every three or four chapters that tells a funny story about one or more of our kids.

What should I call it? Any good ideas out there?


  1. "A FUnny thing happened on the way to making a family"

  2. "A funny thing happened on the way to becoming a family"

  3. I like Kathleen's idea!

  4. Could you do anything with "Never a dull moment" since it's already a meaningful phrase as you've been telling your story?

  5. Anonymous10:36 PM

    "Laugh or go crazy" is my motto, and it applies to so many aspects of life. I'm willing to share it if you want to use it. :-)

  6. I don't know if it's too late to make a suggestion, but how about.....

    Claudia's Comedy Corner
