Monday, May 19, 2008

I Love Mondays

I’m probably one of the few people who looks forward to Monday morning. I have especially noticed over the past few months how much Monday morning means to me. It means that everyone is back where they belong, safe and sound, and I have time to get things done. But my Monday morning joy is quickly coming to a crashing halt. Rand is done with college so he is now home this week. I only have 2 Monday mornings left and then school will be out for the summer. But, for the school year, I am the opposite of most people. I look forward to Monday morning.

Today I am heading to the adoption finalization of a couple of girls I helped match last summer. Then this afternoon I am driving by to pick up John to bring him up to our town for a consultation with the director of Zumbro House. Afterwards I am going to spend some time talking with the director.

Tonight Tony has his Mulan play and he is very excited. It’s nice to see him involved in something positive.

Ricardo’s team lost last night. Last year’s team seemed to consistently win. So it’s unusual to watch his team lose. I’m sure it’s just a matter of jelling together as a team. It’s early in the season.

I have 118 emails and a to do list that is way too long. I am hoping to have some energy this morning to tackle a several things on the list. My workout this morning was not great, but I did go.

I do plan to add more to my blog later today... but I had to help Sadie with her math this morning, and it took away from blog time.

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. I am exactly like you with Mondays- I love them!!! What a weird feeling. And as much as I love summer, I am not looking forward to it. I need to find some more programs for the kids-I'm going on-line right now to look. Barb

  2. The link didn't work for Zumbro House. Can you repost it?

  3. The link worked for me. Anyone else having trouble?

  4. I got a page not found message.

    Angela :-)

  5. Try it again now. I fixed it. Of course, it was working for me before that.
