Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Think I'm OK now...

Just so you know, it's been a week since "Black Tuesday" when my situation that I have been vaguely blogging about came to a head. Fallout lasted until Friday about 11. Since then I have been trying to recover.

Thanks to some great friends and a wonderful husband, I am finally back to being myself today. I'm clipping away at getting work done, with very few distractions, and I think my head is getting back into my game (which is a good thing).

Everything seems to be back into place as of this morning, my anxiety is decreasing, and I am heading into a busy week ahead.

Bart and I are taking tomorrow to spend together. He wants to help me find a couple of outfits for Kyle's graduation and Leon and Wilson's baptism this weekend. Since most of my pants are nearly falling off now, I suppose I'll have to let that happen. I hate shopping, in any context, but I am going to work hard to be pleasant during this experience. During the afternoon, Bart is going to spend some time with Kyle and I am going to hook up with an old friend from years ago who is in the Twin Cities for a Homiletics conference. Mike is a great guy. I am looking forward to spending time with him. I haven't seen him in 3 or 4 years -- we used to work together in Oklahoma back in the early 90's and he and his wife and my best friend Bob and I spend our weekends playing endless games of Rook and singing songs from the 70s. Ahh, those were the days. Fond, fond memories. I'm hoping I can get him to do his impression of the Singing Rambos for me tomorrow. ;-)

Then Thursday I may be travelling with our son John to a possible group home for him to look at. I am really hoping this will work out for him as I think it will be ideal in helping him to transition to adulthood.

Friday night the whole family is heading to the Twin Cities to spend the night in a hotel. Ricardo has a soccer tournament and Kyle is graduating from college first thing Saturday morning. Then we'll stay to celebrate.... After Ricardo's game we will come home and the next morning is the baptism, followed by an afternoon soccer game if the team wins.

Then Tuesday Bart leaves for three days, then there is another soccer game Saturday, and by Tuesday, Leon, Wilson and I will be leaving for Arizona to see my parents.

Very busy days ahead, but that is good. I have a personality where plunging deep into busy helps me get back on track.


  1. Busy days ahead for you, what an understatement! Congratulations to Kyle on his college graduation. That is absolutely super! And blessings on Leon and Wilson on their baptism. What a special day for your family. And on top of that, a couple of new outfits! Yeah Claudia! I am proud of you. Hope you have a wonderful trip to see your parents. God bless. ~marge~

  2. Ahhh, I remember many many hrs of rook. What is bob up to now?

  3. Bob's living in Denver, teaching at an alternative school.... i talk to him once and a while...
