Thursday, May 29, 2008

If You Do Not Believe in ADHD...

you should have been with me for the past 40 minutes. Even heavily medicated, Dominyk simply cannot self-regulate. He goes on and on and on. Tonight I left the house at 5:45 after a quick supper which was preceded by a trip to the YMCA. We went to drop Ricardo off at his soccer game in the rain, then dropped Jimmy off at the Y, and then Dominyk, Wilson and I went to the Festival at their school. Talk about a zoo. Hundreds of kids and parents spending way too much money on games and food I can’t eat. (sorry for sounding cynical, but I have attended at least one of these for the last 11 years and somewhere along the line, probably about 10 minutes into the FIRST ONE, they lost their appeal).

Anyway, it finally got over at 8 and we had to go back to get Ricardo from his game. (This one parent, one vehicle, one driver, 8 kids thing is getting annoying). We had to wait 15 minutes in the van for them to finish playing in the pouring rain and then go back to the Y to pick up JImmy.

OK, OK, so I’m getting boring and you’re getting lost in the details, and you just want me to SHUT UP.

Well, now you know how I felt when Dominyk talked NON stop for 40 minutes. I am not kidding. He was either talking or singing or yelling or making nonsense noises for 40 straight minutes. Since I did not nap today and had some stressors, I was really not feeling in top form to ignore him. At the very end of the 40 minutes, he had some joke where he would say, “Say what?” and he wanted me to say what. I told him I really didn’t want to. So then he tried it with the other kids. Say what JImmy?
Say what Ricardo? Say what Wilson? ANd none of them would play. He said it over and over and over again. Until finally, I said, a little too loudly, “WHAT!!!!!”

And he burst into tears and said, ‘You didn’t have to yell at me. I have feelings too you know.“

And i never did get to hear the end of the joke.



  1. Our relatively newly adopted (from ET) 5 year old son does that! He talks, sings, or makes nonsense noise constantly! Even while chewing his food. He will quit if he's watching (read zombie-ing) in front of the tv, and I did notice he was quiet the other day while playing with K'nex. But, oh man! It's so draining, even when you're ignoring it. I think people get tired of me complaining about it--as though, I should just let him be. Maybe I'll record him one day and lend out the tape. ;-)

    Angela :-)

  2. OMG - You mean its not just my Rhino that does that!!!
    I am ever so thankful when he brings his personal CD player or PSP machine, and uses ear plugs in the car. Even then he can't help but make some accompanying noise, and ask me questions intermitently while driving that make me wonder what goes on in his brain.
    I feel so much better with you sharing this trait of Dominyck's. My friends tell me he can make money being a sound (noise) maker for cartoons. He's an excellent imitator.


    Maybe we should get them all together and start recording them now.
    Do you think they'll mature out of this phase?? (I am hoping and praying for it!!)

