Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Tuesday....

and as is typical, Kari has written a powerful post. I just returned from the YMCA and yet another mediocre workout, but there is more weight loss to report. I am proud of myself, actually, for sticking to this.

Yesterday afternoon was one disaster after another. First, I left 10 minutes later than planned. Then there was a fender-bender on the road here in town that I take, and so it resulted in a delay. A detour en route further delayed us, so I was late picking up John. I am so far behind in emails, that I was trying to respond to a couple from my phone, which wasn’t going well. When I arrived at the Human Services building for John’s interview, 30 minutes late, I sat there for 20 minutes waiting for them to find the people I was meeting until it suddenly hit me that we were supposed to be meeting at another location. We had the interview for John, but the meeting afterwards never happened. That will have to be rescheduled.

By the time that was over I was completely exhausted, but we still had the play to attend, which was actually fun and relaxing. As you know, i already posted pictures last night.

Having not been at my desk for most of yesterday, and having accomplished next to nothing last week, I am drowning in work. I’m hoping to have the energy and stamina to get lots done today. (By the way, i want to point out once again for all you curious folks, my setback last week had NOTHING to do with any of my children or my husband. It was just a personal thing and I am physically quite healthy. Maybe some day I will blog about it.)

Salinda wants me to go to the doctor with her to get some tests done (no, not a pregnancy test, but you’re on the right track). She was saying that she wasn’t going to go with me, but that she was going to have a friend’s mom take her and I made it clear I was willing to go. Apparently I now have that honor. Trying to figure out how her brain works and why is too puzzling for me.

If you’re having a hard time dealing with a difficult time in your life, you may want to check out this devotional I wrote called God Intends Good. Remembering how God can make good things come out of a less than perfect situation was a good reminder to me.

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