Thursday, May 15, 2008

Morning Meeting

Part of this mid-life crisis I have mentioned has led me to consider my future and whether or not I want to continue to be employed the way I am now for the next 20 years. I think I have concluded that I do not, but those of you who are out there and work with me do not need to panic that I am planning to quit any minute. I’m just starting to explore more options.

Should I go back to school and finish my doctorate? Or maybe I should get an MSW? If so, where would the money come from. Would I like to teach? And then there is the big secret dream that Bart and I have been tossing back and forth that is not ready to be shared that would fill a big need locally and allow us to serve some unique populations.

So this morning I had a meeting with a professor at the local university and it was wonderful. It was wonderful in that it opened my mind to all kinds of possibilities and ideas and dreams.... Just not sure which ones to pursue yet.

But I am looking forward. And that hasn’t happened in over a year. I feel like I am coming out of a long dark tunnel...

And today I’m actually getting a lot of work done (between blog entries). ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay Claudia! You are sounding more like the person I met several years ago when you spoke at our church. And then met again two years ago when we showed you our home! (And you bought the one across the street, I might say!) I think you have survived your mid-life crisis!

