Monday, May 05, 2008


Yesterday was one of those days when everyone together decides that obedience, compliance and cooperation is simply out of the question. It wasn’t the real in-your-face kind, but it was the “stare at mom blankly and then walk away without complying” kind. Several kids did it several times yesterday morning before, during and after church and by the time lunch came around I was forced to say, “If something doesn’t change around here really fast, either Dad or I are going to get pushed over the edge and it is NOT going to be pretty.”

Things shaped up for a while after that and we had some cooperation as we cleaned the house for company. In fact, with the exception of one or two people, everyone worked together well and we got a lot done. On Saturday night the whole area in front of the washing machine was clean and all the laundry was done. (Is this called airing your dirty laundry?)

By Sunday at 4 p.m., after everyone had cleaned their rooms and the house was clean, this is what was there. Since the dryer is still broken, not to be fixed until sometime today, it is going to take a while to catch up. Sigh.

Bart made a great dinner last night, supplemented by a fantastic jello salad, made by Kari, (just ask Mike) and two kinds of low-fat, low sugar desserts that Tim, Sue and Sarah brought along. Our time together was enjoyable and I even had a chance to provide therapy to both families. ;-)

Today I have a day at my desk and I am glad as I can’t seem to get caught up. Baseball and tennis games tonight, soccer game 90 miles from here tomorrow.... It’s a new week and we’re off and running.

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