Thursday, May 22, 2008

Naps and Self Discipline

Most people would not equate napping with self-discipline. But I literally have to force myself to nap on days when I get up at 5 a.m.

If I get up at 5 and go to the YMCA, which I have been doing most weekends, I feel great all morning. In fact, I usually can feel pretty energetic until about 3 p.m. Problem? I crash right in the middle of Meltdown City. Dominyk and Tony both usually have a meltdown right after school. And sometimes the girls each have their own estrogen induced wack-out-hour then as well. Sometimes Jimmy has a hard time transitioning. And if I am not well rested, I snap.

So, I have to force myself to take a nap before 3. Today I have to leave at 2, so I will avoid the meltdowns, but I know that tonight when I return about 7 I will be completely exhausted if I don't nap this afternoon.

So I'm heading up to do that now. Sounds a little odd -- I have to be self-disciplined enough to take a nap, doesn't it?

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