Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oh, well, there goes all those good feelings

Apparently Salinda left with the family she was staying with and is 3 hours from here, with no plans to return for her brother's baptisms tomorrow. I don't know all the details. I just talked to her and fortunately she is at least smart enough to be apologetic. But dang that girl causes me incredible amounts of stress.

At least she is with the people she said she was with. And she really thought I understood her plan, which she so poorly explained.

Are all 15 year old girls so incredibly unorganized? Or is it like a commenter suggested? Does she do this on purpose? Is it Can't, or Won't?

At least to her credit she's not being rude or nasty. I guess that is one step. But wow.

OK, deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths. in, out, look at the big picture, head up.... sigh.

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