Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Quick Morning Update

for the record, Debbie, no I wasn't offended by you calling me fragile. I just thought it was an interesting word to use for me. In fact, I'm wondering what kind of impressions I am giving in my blog to those who have never met me. Those of you who know me in person and have spent time with me, probably "get me" and understand what is happening in the blog. But for someone who hasn't, I suppose that you could come to all kinds of interesting conclusions by reading through the blog.

I would hope that the conclusion would be that I'm just a person -- a human being who has taken on a great challenge -- who doesn't always handle things perfectly, but is honest and open and willing to get up and try again when I get knocked down. But I realize that there are many blog readers who can be critical and look for things that are not great about me -- and if you are looking for those, the blog is completely full of them I'm sure. Lots of weaknesses and imperfections to find, that's for sure.

I am feeling much more positive this morning than I did yesterday. In a few hours the ordeal with Salinda's court hearing will be over and I will be relieved. I have not yet been to the YMCA, but will be heading there as soon as I drop off the kids for school. Then there will only be about 45 minutes before I head to court and then.... it will be over.

Everyone seems to be OK this morning.... we're leaving in ten minutes for school. And so far, everything is OK. Where is that wood I need to knock on?

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