Friday, May 16, 2008

Rejection Day and the End of Dreams

Wow, what a day. I never told most of you that I had applied for a couple of jobs over the past few months because I knew they were long shots and I didn't want to panic my employers. Well, relax, everyone, I'm not going anywhere. I got both of those rejection letters yesterday.

The nice thing about my personality is that as soon as one dream dies, another one takes it's place. I already have a meeting set up on Monday to explore the next possibility, which will not materialize for months, if ever.

Bart's day off is today and instead of going to the Y this morning, i waited to take a walk with him. So there will be no YMCA report. However, I did write an entry on my dieting blog about addiction last night.

So I said goodbye to some dreams yesterday... but I'm OK. This week has convinced me more than anything before of the fact that I have a loving God, a strong faith, an incredible husband, and great friends...... So, even on "rejection day" I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia-I'm so sorry to hear about your rejection letters. :-( Giving up a dream is very hard, but I know God has something even better in store for you!

