Saturday, May 24, 2008

Snippets of Conversation from Yesterday's Ride

I had Sadie, Leon, Ricardo and Wilson with me yesterday.

Here are some snippets of conversation from 2 7th graders, a 6th grader, and a 2nd grader:

Wilson: (after Leon mentioned Forrest Gump, sounding exactly like the character) "My favorite part is when he got shot in the Buttocks)

Leon: When we were in foster care at our first foster home I had to share a room with this crazy kid. One night he heard me snore a little bit and thought I was a monster and started screaming and screaming.

Ricardo, man of few words (to Sadie when she told him she thought she saw Dandruff): Dan Ruff? Who is Dan Ruff?

Sadie: (when responded to Leon's question, "I wonder how much Mom's arm weighs") I bet her arm weighs more than Wilson.

Sadie (real name Mercedes, which she goes by at school, talking to Leon: My math teacher calls me BMW. Do you know what that stands for?

Leon: (in response to Sadie's Question): Big Man's Weiner

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