Sunday, May 04, 2008

Who Loses more sleep?

I wonder sometimes at which end of the parenting stage we lose more sleep. Certainly nursing a baby who doesn’t sleep through the night is a challenge, but the teenage “are they going to come in on time, where are they, why are they late, are they OK stage” may be even more stressful.

The dryer is still broken until tomorrow and therefore Bart has been to the laundromat the last three nights to dry clothes. But they aren’t put away, so we are having a struggle finding things this morning. Tony is of course, pushing every button I have, and it’s an annoying experience to say the least.

Sunday mornings are tricky around here but most weeks they are OK. This morning, not so much.


  1. then you have nut cases like me who have nursing babies and teens! I'm now remembering why I don't remember any of my kids early years. I was too sleep deprived to have any of it stay in my mind.

  2. Don't forget the pre-schooler who won't stay in his own bed phase.
    I get kicked in the ribs and face all night long by my 4 year old. I'd really like to get a whole night's sleep again!
