Friday, June 13, 2008

26 Straws

This is especially for Cindy, who hates pop and is trying to be as “green” as possible.

Last night we had pizza with Mike and Kari and Tim, Sue, and Sarah, who we mention often. Tony comes back from the pop machine with all of these straws in his mouth.

And I say to Kari, “Oh my Goodness. Wouldn’t Cindy be freaking out right now to know that Tony was slirping Cherry Coke through 26 straws?”

Kari agreed that it would probably not be a pleasing thing for Cindy.

Sarah insisted that Tony count the straws.

My wild guess was exactly accurate. He wasted 26 straws.

I should have made him bring them home to be re-used or something, but I had little fight left in me after he was such an exhausting piece of work last night.

By the way, Salinda joined us for dinner out, as did her friend, which is highly unusual. But Tony made sure she had a lousy time.

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