Friday, June 20, 2008

And it Came to Pass (Round 2)

Last month I blogged about October 20th which is now nine months ago. I remember that night because it was a particularly hard one for me. And it sort of began a period in my life which, as I have mentioned many times, has been life changing.

Now that nine months have come and gone since then, I can see the ways in which everyone in our family has grown and changed. My blog has been a constant reminder of how things come to pass ... the ups and downs of the roller coaster ride.

Even the past month I can see progress -- I can see through the ups and the downs and the turns how God has worked in me and in the life of my kids.

So, even if my blog is, as Bart says, "barf on a page", it is a great tool for me to go back and remember how I felt... and how it all came to pass.

And it helps me to take time and remember the way things were on a given day, and the way things are now. Just think.... for example... back then I weighed 42 pounds more than I do today. Tired of hearing about that?

This is a song that I have listened to over the past months that has given me a lot of strength. Josh Groban has such an incredible voice and the message is so powerful. It is not only a song that empowers me, but reminds me to empower my children with this concept. Their road is so much more difficult than mine.

I am loved -- by an awesome God, an incredible husband, the best parents ever, my kids (most of the time), and lots of friends. Giving up? Never.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I LOVE Josh Groban (and I'm sure he'd love me too, if he knew me. hee hee), and I love his songs. This one is really great; I remember after a particularly troubling day, this was the song that was playing when my radio alarm went off the next morning.
