Saturday, June 21, 2008

And Not Proud of the Morning either

Wow, I as a person who talks (or types) way too much I am tempted to articulate in great detail all the mistakes I made this morning, but I am going to show some restraint this morning and not burden you with the details.

Bart is busy cleaning and cooking today -- made a bunch of banana bread I am restraining from eating, though it smells so good. Everyone is fairly mellow this morning and I'm finding if I just leave them alone and give them some psychic space they do better. I tend to be in constant "reminder" mode about what people need to do and it tends to set people on edge. I'm working on that.

In fact, I am already looking ahead to my next month's resolution that will involve something about this, along with another big resolution to be announced on June 30th.

It has taken me too long to write this blog post as I keep getting distracted.

Guess I should just be done and hit publish.

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