Monday, June 16, 2008

And we only have a brief break before we have to gear up for Round Two

I confirmed that Salinda’s entire story about Friday night is a lie.

At least she’s finally mowing the lawn.

But eventually we’ll have to talk again about Friday.


I’m leaving for a meeting out of town tonight -- taking a couple kids, at least, with me.

I hope that Salinda is decent to Bart. I’d rather take it from her than have him have to.


  1. Since you seem to be writing about Salinda, even though you said you weren't going to (which I'm glad of), I was wondering if you would write a post in which you explain your approach to Salinda. You've made clear you don't want your readers second-guessing you or offering advice, but sometimes I do wonder as I read, now why is she doing that?

  2. Well, maybe it's because my approach keeps changing because nothing works.

    And sometimes I ask myself, "now why am I doing THAT?" ;-)

    I know what i"m attempting to do, and the approach I'm trying to take, but it may take me a while to articulate it.

    I'll give it some thought and blog about it, since you asked.
