Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Do you have a Pirate Who Doesn't Do Anything?

If you haven't heard this song you absolutely have to. I love it. I have laughed over it for so many years. But living with a "pirate" isn't as funny as the song. And if you have adopted a child with special needs who is now an adult, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

My favorite line is "and if you ask us to do anything we will tell you, we don't do anything."

Right now we are living with an adult son who doesn't do anything. He can literally sit for hours of a day and do absolutely nothing. He is supposed to be paying us back for room and board by working a few hours a week but I can't make him do anything. And he is nearly driving me crazy. I just made him go for a walk because he choked Tony until there were red marks and then denied.

As he walked down the street he yelled with his loudest voice at me in front of several neighbors using several curse words for a long time.

If he thinks he's humiliating me then he is so wrong. I stood there. He yelled at the top of his voice. He is the only one who should be humiliated -- but maybe he is incapable of that emotion.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:37 AM

    I LOVE this song! lol.....

    I have 26 kids. Some are pretty darned lazy, to put it mildly.

    AND, I have one son who truly doesn't do anything. We've actually spent time wondering how he makes the effort to BREATHE because he hardly does anything else.

    He's technicallly still in high school. With a 0.0 GPA. Somehow, he can get his booty TO the school most days - but then he doesn't do ANYTHING.

    Yes, this is the boy that took 12 weeks to do a 2hr chore. And, after a year, STILL has not picked up the trash out of our bathroom sized front yard (his daily chore) to completion, ever.

    It's painful to watch sometimes. The pirate, who doesn't do anything.
