Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dominyk is Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored

As you know Dominyk has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and he has an obsession that has gone on since last summer. Pop. And if it isn't pop it is the money to buy the pop, and if doesn't have money, it's how to earn it to buy the pop, and if he has the money, then a ride to the store to buy pop.

We've tried everything to stop it, but some days I just don't have the energy to battle it. So today he was so so so very bored after he earned the money by selling toys from a stand he set up in our yard, so I let him go to the store. And I forgot to forbid him to buy pop when he went in (something I've been doing for a while) and so he came out with a three liter.

"Look mom, 3 liters for a dollar." (I"m thinking -- ick, that has got to be some nasty tasting cheap generic pop)." And I just gave up.

But I told him, "I thought you were going to come to the store to stop yourself from being bored. If you buy pop, how is that going to give you something to do."

He said, "MOM, it's 3 liters. I'll drink some, and then I'll have to pee, and then I'll drink some more, and then I'll have to pee some more, and then I"ll drink some more....."


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The logic, eh? I have BTDT with one of my family members. Fortunately, she has apparently developed an ability to tolerate/control SOME of the things that she used to not be able to. Still a struggle sometimes, but progress has been made.

    One of my girls saw a bumper sticker online the other day that said "I have CDO -- it's like OCD only the letters are in alphabetical order". And that might be funny only to some of us who "know". Laugh or go crazy...

  2. Hey, there's something to be said for finding entertainment in the simple things in life!
