Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Eating Out

Spur of the moment last night, when Bart was missing some ingredients for what he planned to make for supper, we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for 40 cent wings. On the way there, I was trying to find the camera and Ricardo said, "Whose birthday is it?" I told him nobody had to have a birthday to take pictures.

Wilson piped up, "It's my butt cheek's birthday." "Which one, right or left?" I asked. "Well, they're TWINS" he replied.

Two of our PCAs joined us. They are always welcome because Tony and Dominyk are so much more tolerable when they are around ... plus, if one of them can't handle it, a PCA can have the privilege of having to leave the restaurant with them and Bart and I can enjoy the meal. They are both really good with the kids and fun to have around as well.

Dominyk almost lost it when we decided we would all have water instead of pop, but he pulled it together.

The kids were telling "My Momma" jokes. I don't let them tell Your Momma jokes to me -- I say they can't dis my mom but if they want to joke about me it's fine.

This is Tony's favorite "My momma's so fat when she hauls a** it takes two trips." I think it's a funny joke and Tony loves the excuse to say a bad word.

Ricardo made up his own last night... and the way he said it was so funny. His English is still heavily accented and he seldom speaks a grammatically perfect sentence, but last night he did. "My mom eeees so fat dat when she goes to the moobies, she seets by eberyone."

I laughed and laughed. He's such a handsome kid but refuses to let me take pictures.

On the way home, Sadie asked if the wings we had eaten were chicken wings. A very long discussion ensued as we tried to figure out what other animal they could possibly be -- considering most animals don't have wings. We concluded that canary wings might be a little small and goose wings a bit bigger. I think her main issue was more than likely confusion over whether or not Buffalo's had wings, but I didn't ask and embarrass her.

Wow, I need to get done blogging and get to work. Somehow my email inbox has crept to 117 emails that all need attention. How did that happen?


  1. Does she know they are called that because the recipe (original one anyway) was invented in Buffalo, NY?

  2. I love Wilson's birthday story. lol

    I like the "My momma" jokes, too. The examples you gave are hilarious. I like your reasoning on "my" versus "Your".

    Angela :-)

  3. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Please give Wilson's rear a double happy birthday from Arizona!

    I find Wilson stories just delightful! ;-)

    My kids tell yo' momma jokes to each other. It leaves me staring at them with a dumb look until they figure out that *I* am the momma to all of them? We have lots of fun with humor, too.....perhaps too much sometimes. But, I like the idea of switching it to a "my momma" joke, if nothing else to aid with the understanding in their cute yet tiny little heads.

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Hi, I am enjoying browsing through your blog and wanted to comment--this post just cracked me up!!

  5. I LOVED the Wilson quote. If you are looking for amusing anecdotes for your book - this one ranks high on my list. I told it to three of my children (9, 12 and 13) and they laughed and laughed!

    Mary in Texas

    Mom to biokids Ponito(9.75) and daughter Bob (12), adopted Kitty (13) on 3/08 and her bio brother Bear (15) on 7/08
