Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ending the Day Surprisingly Content

I haven't had the best of weekends. Not very motivated and made some dumb mistakes that have caused some heartache for both me and Bart -- most of them just carelessness. And there were the ups and down of parenting the kids....

But right now I'm feeling OK. I got plenty of exercise today. The kids are all very happy and mellow. Salinda is actually home and has been appropriate and cooperative and in a good mood all day. That is so nice.

We had a great time with our friends at lunch, church was good this morning.... all about Grace, which is such a significant thing, and something that becomes more and more real to me all the time.

So I'm going to head tonight to bed grateful -- not for the mistakes I made, but for grace. Grace from God, grace from my children, grace from my husband, grace from my friends.

Grace -- unmerited favor. Grace -- getting the good stuff we don't deserve. Grace.

Going to bed grateful for Grace.

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