Monday, June 30, 2008

Feeling Good about Being VERY Human

I'm used to being imperfect. It has sort of become routine for me to make errors since I've been doing it for years. My husband is much more perfect than I, so I think when he makes a mistake he gets more stressed out.

Take this morning for example. I am feeling great at the moment -- but the last hour has been, well, less than ideal.

Sadie and I headed to the Y this morning. It was weigh in day (you'll have to click here to find out if I lost and leave motivating comments ;-). I knew that she needed to be at the church at 8, so I planned our trip there accordingly. When we returned at 7:15 I discovered a very frustrated husband who had intended on leaving to be at the church at 7:30. One of Dominyk's pill bottles was missing from it's usual spot and he couldn't find Dominyk's pants.

I apologized, helped find the pants and pill bottle, and then got everything ready that I needed to take to the shower. I put my clothes in a neat pile and then gathered the other things I needed to head downstairs.

I got downstairs and into the shower. Much to my surprise when I got out was that I had grabbed the wrong pile of stuff. All I had with me was one of Tony's shirts and one of Wilson's shirts. Now, Tony's shirt may have been able to cover a portion of me, but Wilson's might not even cover my forearm. I was in a bind.

Since everyone home was still asleep (Bart has since left) I decided to run upstairs in a towel, hoping not to traumatize the children if they were to awaken. My biggest concern: Where do you put your pedometer if you're naked?

I finally decided to go ahead and carry the pedometer and sacrifice yet another few steps. By the time I had gotten upstairs Bart had called having forgotten a folder than I needed to return to him.

And yet, after my workout this morning, I'm feeling good. My mistakes made me laugh instead of frustrating me and of course, gave me a blog entry.

So it's all good. And anyone can get used to being imperfect if you practice long enough.

1 comment:

  1. I love your last sentence! And, your attitude. I'm not sure about the visual that your story produced in my head. ;-)

    Angela :-)
