Sunday, June 01, 2008

First Humorous Story for the Book

I haven’t talked to Bart yet, but I am thinking maybe modifying Kathleen’s idea and using simply “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way ...” as the title of the humorous anecdote chapters of the book.

Here is the first installment.

Feel free to give me constructive criticism or, if you don’t think it is funny enough, change it, edit it, rewrite it if you feel like it. Anything to make the book better.

(Note: Bart will be editing it after we come up with something we're satisfied with)

January 1997

It had been a very stressful two hour plane ride. Bart and I had never experienced air travel with a toddler, and the combination of several factors on the trip made for a very unpleasant experience. Tony was still wearing diapers, and amidst his tears, we explained that as soon as we got off the plane Daddy Bart would change his diaper.

Bart headed off the plane into the crowed gate area with Tony in his arms and I followed closely behind. I saw him put Tony down so he could walk and then was puzzled as to why Bart stopped suddenly. Apparently, Tony believed what we had told him on the plane. The stream of people behind us had to come to a screeching halt because Tony had plopped down to the floor on his back, his legs spread wide open, and was looking up at Bart expectantly, waiting for a diaper change. We still have a vivid mental image of the crowd behind us gawking to see what was causing the standstill and the confused look on Tony’s face because, after all, we had promised that as soon as we got off the plane, Daddy Bart would change that diaper.

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