Monday, June 09, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dear Bart

Bart blogged about his birthday this morning before I had a chance to. I told him happy birthday at 5:00 a.m. before I went to the Y.

I am not sure how many times I have written tributes in my blog to my amazing husband. He is truly one of the most incredible men I have ever met. Sure, he has weaknesses, he’s not perfect (I mean, really, he married ME), but there are so many things that he is good at.

You all know that he is a great cook. And he takes care of grocery shopping, menu planning, etc. which I hate. He also cleans, and does laundry.

And many of you know that he is an amazing pastor. He speaks eloquently, he genuinely cares about people, and he “has a way about him” that is soothing and non-anxious so he does very well in times of personal crisis.

And he is a great Dad. He sometimes doesn’t think he is, because he has this odd idea that if he is a good Dad the kids will make the right choices and do the right things, which I don’t believe is true at all. Because my parents were very good parents and my brothers did not make good choices.

And I can’t say enough good about what kind of husband he is. He accepts me for who I am, loves me unconditionally, is forgiving, kind, patient beyond belief (I gotta have that), and gives me freedom to make mistakes, to be who I am, and to make my own choices. He puts very little pressure on me to be anything but who I am.

I probably take him for granted sometimes, but not today. I am completely convinced that I am married to the very best man for me that is out there. I hope those of you are are married can say the same thing...

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