Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Monthiversary!

We made it through the month of June! The first month of summer is over and here we are. A month ago I posted a challenge to make a New Months Resolution.

I made two. The first was to drink 64 ounces of water a day. The second was to write at least a paragraph each day.

Well, I did much better with the water than the writing. I would say that at least 24 or 25 days this month I got all that water down. And to me, that's a lot of water. There were some days when I even drank more!

How about the rest of you? What did you decide to do? How did it go?

Who else wants to join us for New Month's Resolutions in July?

Me -- no caffeine and no pop for 31 days. Wow. One day at a time and I'll do it.


  1. I will join you!!! I am addicted to soda. I drink 3-4 (if not more) a day so I am going to take the challenge with you. No more soda starting tomorrow.

  2. I would love to join you, ANYTHING but my Diet Dr. Pepper.
    Sorry, I can't do way...

    I am not that strong! lol
    maybe Diet Dr. Pepper is my only bad habit.
    Please let me hold on to this one thing!

  3. Go Carmel! Let's make it through the month.

    And "ours" -- keep your diet Dr. Pepper -- but then choose something else.... Let us know what it is.

  4. I did three weeks of dinner planning! And only once when I was sick did we go out for pizza instead. I am on week four and loving it and going to continue indefinitely. Thanks for the motivation!

    This month I am going to pick a thing each week to organize. Week 1 = freezer. You'll have to look at my blog to see what the rest is tomorrow :)

  5. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Hey, Claudia, I'm still on board! (And just posted myself....)

    Last month was not so successful...but an eye opener for me.

    This month: I'm going to remember to write 5 things i'm grateful for every day.

    I admire your kicking the caffeine. But I am NOT ready to join you - my diet coke's are crucial to my mental health just now. :-) So, the gratitude thing is going to have to be my alternate.....:-)

    Good luck!
