Sunday, June 15, 2008

Help Wanted: For the Sake of All Mother's Everywhere

Isn't this a great picture of my oldest and youngest sons (Kyle and Wilson)?

So we are at lunch today and Kyle is restless as usual. Nothing like he used to be at 13 or 14, but he still doesn’t enjoy after meal conversation much.

I joked with him a bit that he might start having a seizure or something if he was away from electronics for very long. He responded that he just didn’t like to “waste” time.

I pointed out to him that had he spent more time in the past eight years building relationships and making connections, he might not be having such a hard time finding a teaching job. I suggested that his movie star friends inside the TV or big screen really weren’t able to give much back even though he had invested hours of his life in them.

He has already given up hope in getting a teaching job for the fall, which I think is crazy. But he really has no connections. Thus, I would love to have someone help me prove a couple points.

I would never be advocating for him if I didn’t believe he would be a great teacher. He has the experience of our family -- 11 siblings that represent almost every special need in the book of almost every race there is -- and a background in foster care himself. Adopted at the age of 11, he has that hyper-aware sense about him that makes him very aware and able to keep track of many things going on at once. He graduated from Bethel University with solid grades, and he has a real gift with kids.

He does, however, still have some attachment issues and really doesn’t understand the value of relationships. So I would love to prove two points here. I would love to prove that time building relationships is never wasted and that if we believe God will answer prayer, God can and will.

He has already signed an agreement for a lease on a house for a year, so he needs to be within an hour of the Twin Cities in MInnesota. He is willing to consider charter schools, inner-city schools, alternative schools, etc. He has a K-8 certification with a specialty in Social Studies. He is willing to teach 3rd through 6th graders in the elementary and then Middle School. And he’s a guy. But you knew that.

So, anybody got any connections? I am not going to be the one getting him the job, but it would be so cool to see this happen for him because of the relationships that I have built over the years.

of course, I can’t even get you to comment if you bought a frosty, so why am I counting on you for something major?



  1. of all places... has he tried craigslist?

  2. yes, that was the only place he was looking. Now we're looking at other things...
