Thursday, June 12, 2008

Internet or my left arm?

Sometimes I think I’d rather lose my left arm than the internet. I know, that’s extreme, but both of my jobs are centered here .. and my blogs ... and my hobbies ... and even some of my friends live only in my computer. A lot of you are people that I have never met face to face but have been a big part of my life for years. In fact, some of the first adoptive parents of special needs kids that I met over 11 years ago I met online first.

So my wireless network is messed up and my ISP is not exactly perfect, so we are having internet issues which I am trying to fix before I can begin my day (which is why my first post of the day is later than usual -- not because I was swept away in the tornado, in case some of you were worried).

Last night we had that storm you know, so I started reading a book that I’m not sure I’m ready to share with everyone yet. I had heard the author interviewed and was intrigued, but it isn’t exactly my kind of book, so I’ll have to see as I get farther into it if I recommend it or not. Bart had promised everyone who tried everything on the table at supper, including the spinach strawberry salad (we’re trying to eat healthier for everyone here) that he would take them out for a treat. Now, I realize that that is a little counter productive, but at least they are trying new foods.

So he took two trips with half of the kids who were here in each trip to Cold Stone Creamery the first time and then to Culvers the second time. I didn’t ask him why he went to two different places, but it very well might have been the embarrassment factor.

Ahh. the update on how to deal with Salinda and what I chose to do. I chose to ignore her and hope that she would come back I figured she would want something soon enough and I don’t let kids have something from me (a ride, money (even if they have earned it, permission, etc.) until they work through whatever issue we have between us for that nanosecond. Sometimes I expect an apology, but usually I just expect resolution to whatever we were discussing when they had their meltdown and either screamed and stormed away or silently sulked off.

So within a few minutes she had done what she needed to do around the house and was back for a more civil conclusion of the conversation, forcing herself to be decent long enough to satisfy me and get her ride. But that’s all I ask for. It’s a life skill they have to learn. Even when you don’t FEEL like it, sometimes you have to be decent in order to get what you want. It may be perceived as manipulation by some, but really, it’s what we all do all the time.

This morning I went to the Y. And I know you all don’t like my guessing games, but for the next couple hours I’ll let people guess who went with Sadie and I. Knowing my kids, guess which one wanted to come? And no, it isn’t the most likely -- maybe one of the least likely to ask to come along. At noon I’ll blog who it was and tell you about how of the three of us did on our workout.

So, who went with me? You can guess between now and 12 noon my time. Then I’ll let the secret out of the bag so to speak.

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