Saturday, June 21, 2008

Less Than Half Home But...

Less than half of our kids were home for supper tonight -- only five of them -- but I have failed to mention that not only is our washer on the fritz but the dishwasher isn't getting things clean either. So, tonight was Rand's turn for dishes but he had to work at the grocery store tonight, so I did his dishes for him since we're having company for lunch tomorrow....

It took a very long time to do dishes without the dishwasher, even though Ricardo helped me dry and put away.

Now Dominyk is obsessed with going to the store to spend some money he earned from a neighbor today and now Tony is working for some money, so I'm waiting to take both of them.

Salinda is due home after spending the night at a friends and I always am nervous about whether or not she'll be on time.

Jimmy and Leon left today for a missions trip to inner city Milwaukee this morning. Tonight Bart had a call from the youth pastor's cell phone. He said, "Great, I have a call from Jeff." I said, "how do you know it's going to be bad?" "Well, when the youth pastor calls during a missions trip, it's seldom good news.

He called back and it was Jimmy's voice.


"Yes, JImmy"

"How are you?"


"You know the church we're staying in?"


"It's very big"

"That's good, Jimmy"

"Hey, Dad?"

"Yes, Jimmy."

"You know that spending money you gave me?"


"Can I spend some of it?"

"Yes, jimmy"

"Can I buy a Brat (Bratwurst)"

"Sure JImmy"

"OK, Bye."


I guess all calls from the youth pastor's phone on a mission trip don't have to be emergencies.....

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