Thursday, June 19, 2008

Motivation Breeds Motivation and why I now Like Working Out

This past week more people than ever have been emailing me privately or leaving comments that they are being motivated by reading my blogs. I am thrilled to know that is true.


Because it’s all about me. (joking of course)

But seriously, do you know how motivating it is to know that I have motivated someone else? And how can I quit now if you are counting on me not to?

If I realize that my motivation is someone’s inspiration, then I can’t give up or quit. I have to keep plugging along. And that makes me more determined than ever.

I also have discovered one reason to enjoy working out. I used to absolutely hate it, but here is one reason why I like it.

I go there with a 40 minute job to do. Nobody distracts me. I either succeed or I fail. When it is over, it is over. It’s all up to me and I’m the only one who can control it.

It’s so different that the rest of my life where nothing is ever done. WIth parenting the job never has an ending. I am distracted constantly. I never know if I am succeeding or failing because it’s too hard to evaluate. It’s never over.

So working out can be a good thing. It helps me to know that in a controlled environment, I CAN do it. And that makes me believe that I can do it in other areas as well.

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