Thursday, June 26, 2008

Reverse Psychology

SO Salinda fulfilled her obligations at home and after being rude to me, wanted a ride to her friend's house. I made her ask nicely and then took her.

She was pretty rude to me on the way up there so when we got a few blocks from the place I said, "Now, I've got a few more parenting things I need to say and then afterwards I'm going to say that I love you and tell you I hope you have a good night and then I"m going to be interested in seeing just how mean you can be as you walk away."

We got there and I said, "I love you. have fun."

She looked a bit confused and finally simply muttered, "thanks for the ride."

I smiled.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog...I don't get a chance to read it every day, but read it often. sometime if you are bored with nothing else to do,(and she says, like THAT ever happens!) perhaps you could read my blog...

