Saturday, June 14, 2008

Trying something different

Salinda still hasn’t spoken to me. She’s not done anything she is supposed to today either, and I still have no explanation as to where she was last night.

But I’m going to let it lie. She’ll have to come to me sooner or later when she wants something. Until then, I’m not going to deal with it. She will be gone all day tomorrow with three of the boys and our youth group anyway. I can wait until Monday.

I think I am going to blog less about the different ways I try to handle her constant cycle of disobedience for a few reasons.

First of all, I figure you’re bored with it. I know I sure am. One thing after another and it doesn’t seem to stop.

Second, a lot of people seem to think that with this particular situation they can offer advice, and it’s such a long story that it is hard to give an accurate picture to everyone. So telling what I do opens me up to advice and criticism, neither of which I’m opposed to necessarily, but it never seems to quite fit what is happening with her.

Finally, I have found that I have more anxiety about it than I do other things so it kind of messes up the way I explain it, which also is confusing.

Why did I just type all that?

Oh Brother.


  1. I've found that writing about it and ignoring idiots who don't really know what's going on in the home helps me... To He#$ with the world... you are living with the child, and blogging is, at least for me, a mental release... Don't quit posting because of the others...

  2. Thanks for that affirmation. That's usually my approach, but sometimes.....

    and as you can see, I kept my promise not to blog about that for what, about 12 hours?
